One Hour Session
90 Min Session
2 Hour Session
Is a non-invasive treatment which works in a holistic way, looking at the body as a whole. Our feet, hands, ears, and face are the microcosmic map of our macrocosm body.
Pressing particular reflexology points stimulate and activate the neural pathway connection to specific glands, organs or structures in the body. By activating the nervous and endocrine systems reflexology creates balance, relaxation, homeostasis and creates equilibrium within.
Classical Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage Reflexology, Advanced Spinal Reflexology, Precision Reflexology, Vertical Reflexology, Conception and Maternity Reflexology.​
Spinal Misalignments
Slipped Disc
Compression of nerves creating numbness
Neuropathy from type two diabetes
Sacro-ileac pain
Support throughout the whole pregnancy journey
Restoring balance within
Improves sleep
Stress relief
Pain Management
Hormonal conditions
Multiple sclerosis
Autoimmune disorders - rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, migraines, breast cancer and related secondary lymphedema